Reading, PA
Without light we can’t see matter—inversely, without matter we can’t see light. This interdependent relationship is the crux of my practice. I’m interested in colloquial references to light as a fleeting presence—a shadow appears, the sun sets, a beam of light enters the room. In reality, we know that light is the constant and we are the variable—it’s our physical world that is shifting, our planet that is rotating, our galaxy that is hurtling through space. Hinging on situated knowledges of physics, I use glass, silver and chemical processes to capture moments of material flux and work into these paradoxical understandings.
Compelled to ground reality in the material world, I contend with the over filtration and diminishing returns of technological mediation by making work that walks the line between image and object. Giving agency to discarded matter, I facilitate its behavior and consider the accelerating shift of material ecologies. Salvaging and foraging glass from various contexts, I disrupt and conflate existing binaries between producer and consumer and track the lineage of glass while building new trajectories.
Glass has a unique ability to harness light and exists in the state between liquid and solid. Light, moreover, has elusive qualities of its own that even physicists have a hard time defining. I rely on these entangled and indeterminate qualities of both glass and light as I attempt to articulate the ineffable, reach for that which is beyond my comprehensive grasp, and narrow the gap between the seen and the unseen, material and immaterial.